Johannes Müller & Sons LTD· Neuengasse 38 · CH-3001 Bern ·
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Federal Coins: 5 francs
Years 1850 and 1851
Alloy: silver (Ag 0.900)
Diameter: 37mm
Weight: 25.0g (22.5g fine)
Demonetized: February 1, 1934

Motif: sitting Helvetia obverse and reverse aligned
Design: Friedrich Fisch, Aarau
Engraving: Antoine Bovy, Geneva
Mint mark A

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Year 1855
On the occasion of the Swiss confederate shooting match in Solothurn.

Alloy: silver (Ag 0.900)
Diameter: 37mm
Weight: 25.0g (22.5g fine)

Motif: sitting Helvetia obverse and reverse aligned
Design: Friedrich Fisch, Aarau
Engraving: Antoine Bovy, Geneva
without mint mark

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Years 1873 and 1874
Alloy: silver (Ag 0.900)
Diameter: 37mm
Weight: 25.0g (22.5g fine)
Demonetized: February 1, 1934

Motif: sitting Helvetia obverse and reverse inverted
Design: Friedrich Fisch, Aarau
Engraving: Antoine Bovy, Geneva
Mint mark B (1874: B and B.)

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Years 1888 to 1916
Alloy: silver (Ag 0.900)
Diameter: 37mm
Weight: 25.0g (22.5g fine)
Demonetized: February 1, 1934

Motif: Helvetia's head obverse and reverse inverted
Karl Schwenzer, Stuttgart (obverse)
Christian Bühler, Berne (reverse)
Engraving: Karl Schwenzer, Stuttgart
Mint mark B

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Year 1922
Alloy: silver (Ag 0.900)
Diameter: 37mm
Weight: 25.0g (22.5g fine)
Demonetized: February 1, 1934

Motif: Shepherd's head obverse and reverse inverted
Design: Paul Burkhard, Richterswil
Mint mark B
Variations 1922, 1923 and 1924

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Year 1923
Alloy: silver (Ag 0.900)
Diameter: 37mm
Weight: 25.0g (22.5g fine)
Demonetized: February 1, 1934

Motif: Shepherd's head obverse and reverse inverted
Design: Paul Burkhard, Richterswil
Mint mark B
Variations 1922, 1923 and 1924

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Years 1924 to 1928
Alloy: silver (Ag 0.900)
Diameter: 37mm
Weight: 25.0g (22.5g fine)
Demonetized: February 1, 1934

Motif: Shepherd's head obverse and reverse inverted
Design: Paul Burkhard, Richterswil
Mint mark B
Variations 1922, 1923 and 1924

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Years 1931 to 1967, 1969
Alloy: silver (Ag 0.835)
Diameter: 31mm
Weight: 15.0g (12.525g fine)
Demonetized: April 1, 1971

Motif: Shepherd's head obverse and reverse inverted
Design: Paul Burkhard, Richterswil
Mint mark B

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Year 1968
Alloy: Cu-Ni
Diameter: 31mm
Weight: 13.2g

Motif: Shepherd's head obverse and reverse inverted
Design: Paul Burkhard, Richterswil
Mint mark B

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Years 1970 to 1984
Alloy: Cu-Ni
Diameter: 31mm
Weight: 13.2g

Motif: Shepherd's head obverse and reverse inverted (from 1982 obverse and reverse aligned)
Design: Paul Burkhard, Richterswil
without mint mark B

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Year 1985
Alloy: Cu-Ni
Diameter: 31mm
Weight: 13.2g
Demonetized: January 1, 2004

Motif: Shepherd's head obverse and reverse aligned
Design: Paul Burkhard, Richterswil
without mint mark B
incuse edge lettering

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Years 1986 to 1993
Alloy: Cu-Ni
Diameter: 31mm
Weight: 13.2g
Demonetized: January 1, 2004

Motif: Shepherd's head obverse and reverse aligned
Design: Paul Burkhard, Richterswil
Mint mark B
incuse edge lettering

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Years 1994 to today
Alloy: Cu-Ni
Diameter: 31mm
Weight: 13.2g

Motif: Shepherd's head obverse and reverse aligned
Design: Paul Burkhard, Richterswil
Mint mark B

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Federal Coins:
· 1 centime
· 2 centimes
· 5 centimes
· 10 centimes
· 20 centimes
· 1/2 franc
· 1 franc
· 2 francs
· 5 francs
· Swiss Silver Coins

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CHF 35'500.00
> Basket

Plus CHF 10.00 delivery charge
From CHF 200.00 free of charge
Prices include VAT (gold excl.)

Grading (description):
f: fine
vf: very fine
ef: extremely fine
unc: uncirculated
bu: brilliant uncirculated
prf: proof

Information prices:
bold: available from stock
red highlight: available on request

Abbreviations and symbols:
CP: Collectors price
FV: Face value
VM: Value of materials
Abarten  Year of issue with varieties
Fälschung  Counterfeits in circulation
gleichstehend  obverse and reverse aligned
kopfstehend  obverse and reverse inverted
  edge lettering to right
  edge lettering to left

Echtgeld AG Echtgeld AG
Verlag Johannes Müller